You are here: Administration > Helpdesk Set Up > Email > Available Append Actions

Available Append Actions




This action controls what content from the message body will be placed in the new action note created. If ‘Reply only’ is chosen then if the incoming email is a reply from an email sent from Revelation – only the new content in the email will be added as an action note.



If ‘Entire body’ is chosen then the entire message body will be placed in the action note.


Set Priority



This action will let you manually set the priority of the new ticket and override the Auto Priority settings configured in Parser Accounts or the default priority set within the applicable project.


Assign To



This action will let you override any assignment steps made in previous actions. The initial option “project Assignees” will assign this ticket to the default project assignees.



Add Action note


This action will let you configure the details of an action note. You can add manual text and insert information from the email itself.




Set Status To




This action will let you set the status of the ticket.


Send Email


This action allows you to configure an email to be sent. If you use the syntax #SENDER# in the To: or CC: fields the email will be sent to the from address of the originating email. You can also add additional email addresses individually.